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Any Day Now Page 3

  Before I could say so much as a word, he tucked the flower behind my ear, then started walking again, leaving me standing there watching him go.


  I was stunned.

  What the hell?

  My eyes took in his form, and I nearly moaned.

  Adam was tall. And by tall, I meant well over my five-foot-three height.

  He had to be at least a foot taller than me, if not a bit more.

  But there was just so much of Adam to take in that I hadn’t particularly focused on any one thing just yet.

  And the man was in sweatpants.

  Why, in all that’s holy, was he in sweatpants?

  Did he not know what sweatpants did to the female population?

  As if he’d heard my unspoken question, he started talking, explaining his attire.

  “I was going to wear jeans and shit over here, but then I decided that maybe I should ask because I wasn’t sure. And since I took a quick shower at the station before coming home, it was all I had,” Adam said when he got up to Avery.

  Avery shrugged. “I want real life. Wear what you want to wear.”

  Adam turned back to me, his eyes taking me in, and I felt a full-body shiver start to rock through me.

  His lips tipped up at the corners as he took a sip of his beer.

  I watched his tanned neck work and had to stop myself from walking to him and pressing my lips to his sexy as hell throat.

  Other than the sweatpants that Adam had on—gray sweatpants that left very little to the imagination when it came to a certain member of his anatomy—he was in a black skin-tight t-shirt that showed off his perfect body. His muscular arms, bulky chest, broad shoulders, and his perfect abs.

  He was also wearing combat boots to round out the outfit.

  It was kind of funny when you saw it all paired together, but somehow Adam worked the outfit well.

  I took another swift drink of my beer and coughed lightly when I drew in too much too fast.

  Adam’s lips twitched, and I rolled my eyes, laughing at my awkwardness. To hide my embarrassment, I set the extra beer that I had down onto the concrete next to where he’d parked his bike. He followed suit, keeping his opened one solidly in his hand.

  “How about some photos out here on your bike?” Avery suggested as she practically bounced on the tips of her toes upon seeing us smiling and laughing.

  She was happy that we were here and getting along so well.

  I could tell that she was ecstatic.

  “I don’t mind,” Adam said, voice deep and raspy.

  God, what the hell was it with men like that?

  I was doing so damn well, but then he had to go and open his mouth and remind me that his voice was like the verbal version of sex.

  And God, he had a chin dimple.

  And cheek dimples.

  And he had a five o’clock shadow that looked like it would feel great against my…

  “Great,” Avery chirped. “Y’all get started. Do whatever. Don’t mind me. I’ll just be background music, okay?”

  I felt the tension in my belly go to a fever pitch as Adam laughed.

  Jesus H. Christ.

  “What?” Adam asked at the look on my face. “Do you want to jump on the bike? Me get on it in front of you? Is that okay, Avery?”

  Seriously, the low timbre of his voice made shivers race down my spine, and made me think about what it would feel like to have him speaking against my throat as he thrust…

  “Sounds good,” Avery said, breaking me out of my thoughts. “Now, I want y’all to act like I’m not here. Just, do life. Talk. Get to know each other. Act like y’all have known each other forever. Act like y’all are getting married tomorrow. Or, hell, act like y’all have been together forever. Y’all have known each other since y’all were children, and you know each other’s deepest fantasies. Just… whatever you want. I’ll snap photos. You do you.”

  Avery’s words made me smile. But they also made me nervous because the way Adam made me feel. It was like I had known him forever.

  As if he did know my deepest and darkest thoughts.

  As if he knew that I wanted to jump his bones, and he felt the exact same way when it came to me.

  I’d never, not ever, had these kinds of feelings before.

  I’d slept with one man, and one man only, my entire life.

  And that had been in the back seat of his mother’s van when we were seventeen.

  It’d been awful, and honestly, I’d never wanted to do it again since.

  Until Adam.

  Until I’d walked in the door and seen his dark brown eyes taking me in as if he wanted to pull me into his body and show me what it was like to have a real man.

  I licked my lips and walked toward the bike, trailing my finger across the soft, buttery leather of the seat.

  I loved motorcycles.

  I loved them so much that when I was a kid, I’d wanted to own one for myself.

  But, after riding one for a while after I turned eighteen, I realized that it wasn’t the driving of the motorcycle that did it for me. It was the riding of the motorcycle.

  I loved to be on the back of one, watching as the world passed me by.

  I couldn’t do that if I had to also pay attention to where I was going while I was doing it.

  “You ride?” Adam asked, coming up behind me.

  I felt my entire body shiver in anticipation to his touch.

  But he didn’t touch me.

  He placed his hand on the handlebar on one side of me, and his other on the seat of the bike. Not touching me, and definitely not letting me get away, either.

  “Yes,” I admitted. “I love it.”

  I didn’t see any point in telling him that my father was the president of a motorcycle club, or that I’d been riding on the back of a bike since I was old enough to open my eyes.

  I didn’t have to, because when I turned around, I could see that he knew I loved motorcycles.

  “I can take you for a ride,” he suggested. “You’ve never been on the back of my bike.”

  I looked at his bike, where there definitely wasn’t room for another person and told him so.

  “There’s no seat for me,” I said honestly.

  “That just means you’ll have to cuddle in close.”

  I licked my lips and moved my body until I could sit down on the seat of his bike, then leaned my head back so that I was staring up at him.

  The beer that was still dangling from my fingers clinked against the metal of his bike, and he reached forward and took it from my hand. Then, with his eyes locked on mine, he polished off the rest of his beer and mine, then tucked them both into the saddlebags of his bike before leaning down and stopping with his face inches from mine.

  I licked my suddenly dry lips, unable to look away from his eyes.

  They were like dark pools of chocolate.

  Melted chocolate. My favorite.

  On the insides of his eyes nearest the pupil, there were flecks of lighter brown, almost amber in color.


  Click. Click. Click.

  I licked my lips and tried to ignore Avery, which, surprisingly, was quite easy.


  Because Adam chose that moment to move away from me, then gesture with his head.

  “Throw that leg over, sweetheart,” he said. “I’ll take you for a ride down the road.”

  I did what he asked, throwing my leg over the seat of his bike.

  Seconds later, he was getting on the bike in front of me.

  “Wrap those arms around me, beautiful,” he ordered.



  I’d never been called those names before. Not by anyone.

  Normally, I didn’t like to be called names like that.

  I mean, weren’t they kind of demeaning in a way?

  But hearing them from Adam’s lips?

  They made my heart go fluttering away.

  Adam’s ass settled more fully onto the seat, and I scooted up, wrapping my arms tight around his abdomen.

  His belly clenched at the feel of my hands on his abs, and I had to stop myself from exploring.

  I was sure that he wouldn’t have cared.

  However, regardless of how he would or wouldn’t react, I was having a hard time controlling myself.

  It was better to just go ahead and give myself a line that I couldn’t cross now, just in case.

  He started the bike up then, and that familiar exhilaration started to pour through me.

  “We’ll be back in just a bit,” Adam called as he started to back the bike out of the driveway.

  I swallowed hard, looking at Avery over Adam’s shoulder.

  She was grinning huge, as if we’d just given her the world.

  I instinctively tightened my hands around Adam’s waist, and he paused slightly.

  I began to loosen my grip, but he stilled my hands as he said, “Hold on.”

  I did, and he catapulted us down the road at the speed of light.

  I threw my head back and laughed.

  He took me for a ride down the length of the road, turned around, and came back.

  It wasn’t far at all, and we’d been gone for maybe three minutes, but it was enough to put a flush on my face and cause my hair to run wild.

  As he parked back into the driveway where he’d been before, I was reluctant to let him go.

  Even more, I wanted to stay exactly where I was.

  My hesitation must’ve been obvious because before I could so much as let him go, he was hauling me around to the front, my ass to the gas tank, and he was scooting me down into his lap.

  I licked my lips and looked down into his smiling eyes.

  “You like riding.”

  I nodded.


  “You want to go on a ride with me later?” he asked.

  I’d love to.

  But should I?

  “I…” I didn’t know how to answer him.

  I would love to.

  But… I probably shouldn’t.

  “I’ll ask you when we’re done here,” he rumbled, his eyes dropping to my mouth.

  I licked my lips again, unable to help myself.

  And his eyes darkened, melting into liquid pools of chocolate as he leaned in just a little bit closer.

  Just before our mouths met, Avery’s voice came through loud and clear.

  “So, so perfect!” she called out. “Let’s move inside.”

  I jolted, sliding down the rest of the way onto his lap, and for sure feeling the full effects of his attraction to me.

  His cock was huge.

  And hard.

  And I could see the perfect outline of it through his seamless sweatpants.

  I licked my lips, my hands automatically going out to steady myself on his chest, and looked up into his eyes.

  There was no apology there.

  A guy like Adam wouldn’t offer an apology for finding me attractive.

  Hell, I doubted he offered anyone apologies for anything.

  Adam’s hands went to my hips, and soon I found myself up and moving.

  “Oh!” Avery said. “Hold onto her like that.”

  I was suspended in the air above the bike, Adam’s muscles holding me aloft as if I was a toy and not a full-grown woman.

  He wasn’t even straining as I looked down into his face, my hair cascading like a waterfall around us.

  The curtain of my hair kind of felt like it shut us off from the world.

  “You okay?” he rasped.

  I licked my lips. “Fine.”

  More than fine.

  I felt warm all over, and it had nothing to do with the Texas heat in August.

  “Great, got it!” Avery chirped.

  I licked my lips and expected him to put me down.

  He didn’t.

  Instead, he pulled me all the way into his body and I had no other choice—at least that was what I kept telling myself—but to wrap my arms and legs around his body and hold on.

  “Perfect,” Avery sing-songed.

  I couldn’t look away from Adam, though.

  Couldn’t stop myself from studying the bridge of his nose, the shape of his eyes, or the way he had a small scar right underneath his eye.

  “What happened here?” I asked curiously, touching the only blemish I could find on his beautiful skin.

  “Car accident when I was sixteen,” he said. “Glass from the driver’s side window busted out and embedded into my skin.”

  I swept my thumb over it, amazed that he’d gotten so lucky.

  “You could’ve lost your eye,” I found myself saying.

  “Yeah,” he agreed. “Which would’ve sucked because I really, really wanted to fly planes and shit.”

  I snickered.

  “Did you?” I asked.

  “Did I learn to fly planes?” he guessed.

  I nodded as he stepped over the bike and carried me into the house, Avery snapping away in front of us.

  “Yeah,” he said. “Planes, helicopters. I can fly just about anything.”

  He sounded wistful, almost as if he missed it greatly.

  “You miss it,” I guessed.

  He shrugged. “I do.”

  I thought about the fleet of helicopters that my dad owned, and almost blurted out something really stupid like, “You can come steal one of my dad’s. He won’t mind.”

  Luckily, I kept that little tidbit to myself.

  “Go to the kitchen and check out the donuts,” Avery suggested as we breached the doorway.

  I was taken into the kitchen and set nicely onto the counter, but Adam never moved out from between my legs as he leaned over me and pulled the box of donuts closer with just a finger.

  “I’m really starving,” he admitted. “I was on the bottom half of the late shift last night because one of the guys had to leave early due to someone trying to beat the shit out of him with a steel pole.”

  “Ewww.” I grimaced as I watched him open the box. “Is he—the officer—okay?”

  “He’s fine, yes. Just needed a few stitches and a couple of days off thanks to a concussion.” He flipped the box open, then started to laugh.

  I looked into the box and couldn’t stop myself from laughing either.

  “It’s National Beer Day according to Dillan, the donut shop owner,” Avery said. “Oh, your beers. I’ll be right back.”

  Avery placed her camera down onto the counter and took off like she was fired from a gun.

  My eyes shifted, my face moving, and suddenly I was being kissed by Adam.

  A hard, fast, exhilarating kiss that seemed to bring me to my knees.

  Or would have had I not been sitting on my ass with him holding my legs out wide to accommodate his body.

  I gasped, and he took full advantage of my opened mouth to plunge his tongue inside.

  My hands clenched on his t-shirt, and I pulled him closer, wanting to feel his body fully pressed up against mine.

  His tongue felt like liquid heat as he kissed me. He tasted of beer and man, and I wanted this kiss to go on forever.

  The front door slammed shut, and Adam pulled away. Avery arrived just as Adam was reaching for a donut.

  “Here,” Avery said as she placed the beers onto the counter beside the box of donuts.

  I licked my lips, loving the taste of Adam, and watched as he sank his teeth into the donut, biting off half with just one bite.

  “Wow.” I grinned at the man.

  He pulled the donut away from his mouth and offered some to me.

  I leaned in and took a quarter of the bite he took into my mouth, then moaned.

  “Damn,” I said as I licked my lips and watched him polish off the rest of the donut. “That was good.”

  “Dillan makes good donuts,” Adam agreed as he reached for another donut, offering it to me first.

  I took a small bite, moaning all over again, and felt him shift against me.

  His hard cock brushed against my core again, reminding me without words that I wasn’t the only one affected here.

  I swallowed my bite and watched as he kept his eyes locked on mine as he took another bite.

  “Gonna have to run forever to work these off,” he sighed.

  Or fuck.

  The thought must’ve shown in my eyes because his lit from within, almost as if he could read every single thought that filtered through my inappropriate brain.

  He took the last bite of the donut and was left with icing on his fingers, but instead of bringing them to his own lips, he brought them to mine.

  I couldn’t stop myself from opening my mouth, catching his hand, and guiding those fingers to my tongue.

  I sucked his fingers clean and watched as his eyes dilated and his breathing sped up.

  “Ohh, good one.” Avery laughed.

  I wasn’t laughing, and neither was Adam.

  Because there was no way in hell this thing that we were sharing was one-sided.

  No. Way.

  He pulled his fingers out of my mouth slowly.

  “I’ll finish these donuts later,” he said laughingly.

  I swallowed hard and nearly moaned when he pulled away, leaving me feeling bereft in the kitchen.

  “Now,” Avery said as she pulled my thoughts away from the man in front of me. “Now’s where I tell you about the things that I’d love for you to do… but you don’t actually have to do.”

  Chapter 4

  Nobody expects you to throw 10 boxes of Ramen Noodles in their Jacuzzi.

  -Adam, age 12


  “And what would that be?” Amelia, the woman that had just sucked my fingers clean so thoroughly that I felt the presence of her tongue on my dick, asked.

  “These are the things that I’d like,” Avery said. “I can’t get too overly erotic,” she explained. “But we all know that the ladies of Kilgore, Texas, and hell, the world after the mention of y’all in Hero Magazine, would love to see these be a bit racier. Not racy enough that I can’t take my project to school or anything, but definitely racy enough that the people will adore the photos.”

  “And what you’re saying is that you want him to take his shirt off,” Amelia suggested, her eyes filled with laughter.